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Thank you for your interest in being a dealer at Antiques & Uniques!  

We are dedicated to finding the right people to join us – MAYBE THAT'S YOU!


We are almost always fully rented, so we maintain a waitlist for the booths that come available:

please, SEND AN EMAIL to if you would like to be on that waitlist!


Here is some basic info: Most spaces are approximately 10 ft. x 10 ft. (100 square feet).  Rent is based on the actual size of the space. There is a small variety of different size spaces, some half-spaces, and some doubles, and so on. 


Based on a 10x10 space, rent is $180.00 per month and 10% commission on your sales. Spaces with electric are an additional $5.00 per month. We require a $70.00 deposit.  Dealers are required to work 2 days per month to staff the store, as a walker, service desk person, cashier, greeter, etc. 


There is no long-term commitment, just a standard month-to-month rental agreement with 30-day notice if you plan to leave. However, we ask you to plan to sign-up for a least 3 months to get settled in, and give your business an opportunity to become established. 


Included in the rent is money set aside for advertising.  Every dealer pays this within the total cost of rent. It is $25.00 per 10x10 space, per month. An Advertising Committee of dealers meets to determine ways to spend this money to increase the visibility of Antiques & Uniques in the marketplace.


Dealers may decorate their space nearly any way they wish - paint, wallpaper, paneling, shelves, etc.  They provide their own shelving, display cases, tables, etc.  Dealers decide how to price their items, but they must use our price tags/stickers on their items.  We sell them to our dealers at our cost.  The uniform price tags help with security.


Items are purchased through a central check-out area.  Twice weekly, dealers receive an email of recent sales. Every two weeks dealers receive a print-out of the items sold, their original price stickers, and a check.


Please, email if you are interested. We will send a brief questionnaire to get to know you -- we are dedicated to finding the right dealers to join us and that is how the process starts. Otherwise, come in anytime to look over the store and say "hi"


We are open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday from 12 to 6 PM. 


You can download this information HERE.


Wednesday - Saturday : 10:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday : 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Monday - Tuesday : Closed
Closed Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day

© 2024 Antiques & Uniques. All Rights Reserved.

Terms & Conditions

30200 Euclid Avenue
Wickliffe, Ohio 44092
Phone: 440.944.0133

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